AFK Journey
Top up AFK Journey items in seconds! Just enter your AFK Journey user ID, select the value of items you wish to purchase, complete the payment, and the items will be added immediately to your AFK Journey account.
Pay conveniently using GrabPay, PayNow, PayPal, Card Payments, SingTel, and M1. There's no registration, or log-in required!
Enter Account ID
Select Recharge
Select Payment
- PayNow
- PayPal
- GrabPay
- M1
- SingTel
- Card Payment
Top up AFK Journey items in Codashop
You are seconds away from buying items in AFK Journey. Using Codashop, topping up is made easy, safe and convenient. We are trusted by millions of gamers & app users in Southeast Asia including Singapore. No registration or login is required! Click here to get started.
About AFK Journey:
AFK Journey, A Light Open World Fantasy RPG Now Available on Codashop for Easy Top-Ups!
Just input your AFK journey ID and server to purchase Dragon Crystal.