Honor of Kings
Codashop offers easy, safe and convenient top ups for HOK.
Pay conveniently with Bakong, Wing, Pi Pay, PayGo, Visa & Mastercard.
Honor of Kings coupon codes sold is valid for at least 7 days from the date of purchase. Learn how to redeem Honor of Kings coupon codes here.
Learn how to buy HOK pass here.
Simply select your preferred Honor of Kings voucher option, complete the payment, and you will receive your voucher code on the payment confirmation page and via email or SMS.
Sign in to your Codashop account and get access to Honor of Kings promotions & events. Don’t have a Codashop account yet? Sign up today!
Download & play Honor of Kings today!

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Find the best Honor of Kings top up deals only at Codashop Cambodia
Codashop is the safe and easy way to buy official game and app credits. We are trusted by millions of gamers and app users in over 50 countries including Cambodia. Top up now.
Codashop Cambodia offers HOK Tokens which unlocks access to premium content in the game, bringing your gameplay to the next level!
Why choose Codashop for your Honor of Kings needs?
Quick and Easy
It only takes a few seconds to buy coupon codes for Honor of Kings on Codashop.
Instant & Secure Delivery
Purchases are delivered straight to your in-game account.
Convenient payment methods
Pay using the most popular payment methods in Cambodia.
Speedy & Localized Customer Support
Our friendly customer support team is always available to assist you. Contact us!
Exciting promotions
Never miss out on awesome deals, giveaways, and more only at Codashop!
How to buy Honor of Kings Tokens?
2. Select the amount of HOK voucher code you wish to purchase.
3. Choose your preferred payment method.
4. Input your correct e-mail address
5. Complete the transaction and the Honor of Kings voucher code will be instantly delivered via email and/or SMS.
As soon as payment has been completed, you will immediately receive your HOK voucher code on the confirmation page, via email, and/or SMS.
How to redeem Honor of Kings voucher code?
1. Click here to redeem your HOK voucher code.
2. Sign in or register your account.
3. Enter your voucher code’s information.
4. Click “OK” to complete the conversion.
Honor of Kings Token price in Cambodia
Honor of King Pass price:
Elite Pass: 388 Tokens
Deluxe Pass: 988 Tokens
Note: Pricing may change without prior notice. For complete information, please visit our Honor of Kings page, click here.
How to purchase Honor of Kings Pass?
2. As soon as you have enough Tokens, log-in to the Honor of Kings app.
3. On the upper left hand side of the home screen of HOK, click on “Pass”.
4. Click on the “Purchase” button and buy the Elite Pass for 388 Tokens or get more rewards by buying the Deluxe Pass for 988 Tokens.
Voila! Start unlocking the Honor Pass rewards by completing tasks & challenges on the mission section of the game.
Note: Honor Pass pricing may change without prior notice for more accurate amount check your Honor of Kings Account.